Fare Details
Base Fare
GST (5% On Base Fare)
Not Included
State, Toll Tax
Included KMs
358 KM
Vehicle & Fuel Charges
One Pickup & One Drop

Other Charges
Parking & Airport Entry
If Applicable
Waiting Charge
Night Charge (11 PM to 6 AM)
Extra Pickup/ Drop
Extra KMs Charges
AHA Economy
AHA Comfort
AHA Premium
Patiala Manali
One Way | 2025-02-22 | 358 Kms | {{timeCheckFunction()}}

Patiala to Manali cab

Book Patiala to Manali taxi at guaranteed lowest fare at ahataxis.com and get amazing deals on Patiala to Manali One way taxi & round trip cab booking.

Travelers can hire several types of Patiala to Manali cabs such as Hatchback, Sedan, SUV, Innova Crysta, Tempo Traveler, etc as per your comfort & need through AHA Taxis website and app.

So, what are you waiting for? Book Patiala to Manali outstation cab at cheap & affordable prices now.

AHA Economy
AHA Economy
Indica / WagonR or Similar

AC | 4 seater | 2 Bags

₹ 4949 ₹ 5249

Base Fare
(include Toll, State Tax)

AHA Comfort
AHA Comfort
Etios / Dzire or Similar

AC | 4 seater | 3 Bags

₹ 4949 ₹ 5249

Base Fare
(include Toll, State Tax)

AHA Premium
AHA Premium
Xylo / Ertiga or Similar

AC | 6 seater | 6 Bags | Carrier

₹ 6199 ₹ 6499

Base Fare
(include Toll, State Tax)

Patiala To Manali Taxi Booking FAQs

What is the Patiala to Manali fare for Sedan cab?

Patiala to Manali fare is starting from Rs 4949 for Sedan & for extra KM, you have to pay at Rs 10 per km.

AHA Taxis offers Patiala to Manali SUV cab at Rs 6199.

The distance between Patiala to Manali by road is 358 km.

The lowest fare from Patiala to Manali is Rs 4949.

Patiala to Manali round trip fare start from Rs 7160.

Travel distance between Patiala to Manali is around 358 km.

The estimated time to cover Patiala to Manali by car is 8 hours.

Travelers can book AHAEconomy , AHABusiness and AHAPremium..

Just book at least 12 hours prior to the pick-up time in order to get an assured taxi.

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